Artists are a mighty collection of thinkers, dreamers, and creatives.

'Social Cultural Value Canvas' in Veendam, Inspirational Artistic Research by social Designer Stefanie Bonte, using Design Thinking with University for applied Sciences Groningen
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Social Design begins with an idea. I work on complex issues that cannot be tackled simply by a single solution, but need something more.

Social Design is the application of design methodologies, like Design Thinking, in order to tackle complex human issues, placing the social issues as the priority. Designers and artists have traditionally been resourceful makers. Whether it's products, services or entire cities: designers are always looking for new ways to make something.

For example, social designers work on complex issues that cannot be tackled simply and/or with a single solution, such as loneliness, dementia or sustainabilty. All things for which the social designer comes up with new ideas, tries them out and develops them further.ill have more work to do.

In ‘15, I immersed myself as a Social Designer in the Master program 'Crossover Creativity.' My mission was to entwine the worlds of design (thinking) and life's fascinating intricacies together, transcending the boundaries of art and theatre and exploring new creative avenues. As my passion for artistic expression collided with the curiosity to bridge diverse industries, I sought to foster unique collaborations that seldom interact with the art sector.

Through innovative crossovers between various sectors and industries, I discovered a treasure trove of exciting collaborative opportunities. In this entanglement of expertise, fresh perspectives and ingenious solutions to complex social challenges emerge organically. By embracing these 'wicked problems’ head-on, my work becomes a conduit for meaningful impact, opening doors to boundless possibilities.